Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to EXPAND STUDIO

    2. Disclaimer & Mental Health

    3. How Breathwork Can Change Your Life!

    4. What You'll Need

    5. Setting your EXPAND Container

    6. Setting your Intention

    7. Commitment

    8. What are your Values?

    9. How to Live a Better Life

    1. Introduction to Listen Live Lead - 7 Day Breathwork Challenge

    2. 7 Day Challenge Workbook

    3. Daily Breath Practice

    4. Day 1 - What is Rebirthing Breathwork?

    5. Day 2 - Benefits of Breathwork

    6. Day 3 - Understanding your Nervous System

    7. Day 4 - Emotional Awareness

    8. Day 5 - Unconscious Limiting Belief Systems

    9. Day 6 - Importance of Self Awareness

    10. Day 7 - Self Love & the Practices

    1. Introduction

    2. Wild Love Daily Breathwork Meditation

    3. What is Wild Love Breathwork?

    4. What is Self Love - Video

    5. What is Self Love?

    6. What are I "I Choose" Statements?

    7. 'I Choose' Empowerment Meditation for Self Love

    8. "I Choose" Statements & Inspirational Questions

    9. Wild Love 40min Session - Use once a week

    1. How to use this short course...

    2. Daily Breathwork Meditation for your Inner Child

    3. Start Here - Masterclass: Breathwork for Loving your Inner Child

    4. Who is the Inner Child & Why do we work with them in Breathwork?

    5. How to work with your Inner Child

    6. What to do once you've connected with your Inner Child...

    7. Remember This (Once you're complete!)

    1. Journaling Questions

    1. Week 1 - What is Self Love - Video

    2. Week 1 Meditation - Breathwork Meditation For Love Over Fear

    3. Week 2 - What are I "I Choose" Statements?

    4. Week 2 Daily Meditation - Meditate With Rebirthing Breathwork & Affirm Self-Love

    5. Week 3 - Self Forgiveness

    6. Week 3 Daily Meditation - Breathwork Meditation for Self Forgiveness

    7. Week 4 Daily Meditation - Higher Self Meditation Extended

    8. Bonus Daily Practice Daily 12min Rebirthing Breathwork Practice

About this course

  • Free
  • 101 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

Expand Studio

Breathwork Technology to support your nervous system, emotional intelligence, relationship with your inner child, and manifest your dream reality.